
The MDS elementary environment is much more than a classroom. Our students, staff and families form a community. Because our classroom is a very dynamic environment, the children have an enhanced opportunity for interaction and cooperation. Throughout the school day, the students are free to move about the classroom and work beside one another, choosing their location to complete the different works. This freedom serves the social nature and need for movement present at this developmental age level. Additionally, the students learn the value of community and collaboration through the interactive environment.

In our classroom each year, rather than developing classroom rules that dictate student behavior, we collectively develop an agreement for peace in our classroom. This agreement forms a commitment from each student to act with respect for people, materials and the environment. The students care for their environment through daily classroom jobs. Through acting in conformity with the classroom agreement, the students learn that freedom is gained through demonstration of responsibility and respect. By using this process rather than imposed “rules,” the students develop strength of character that will follow them throughout their life and encourage positive behavior, even when they are no longer under the watchful eye of parents or teachers.

Our classroom is a very peaceful place, but it is inevitable that occasional conflict arises. These times are special opportunities to help the students acquire the life skills of peaceful and respectful conflict resolution. The key to this process is communication. We help the children grow peaceful conflict resolution skills through communication and understanding. The classroom teacher is trained in mediation and alternative dispute resolution, and meets with the students in conflict to undertake a process in which they truly hear their respective points of view, and work together to reach agreement that is satisfactory to all.

Through practices such as group establishment of a framework for peace in our classroom, collaborative learning projects, individual classroom jobs, and working together toward dispute resolution, our students develop strong character and skills that will be critical to long term success. MDS students take an active role in developing responsibility, tolerance, patience and commitment. Each student gains understanding of their unique role and responsibility within our classroom community, and the community and world in which they live.